
On the morning of November 6th, 2014, I woke up from a life-changing dream...

An earthquake had just occurred.  Everything was in rubbles in ruins! No life in sight. Nothing was standing except the exterior walls of a two-story red-brick house.  I knew this was my house. None of the interior walls existed anymore……only the four walls that had held up the roof. Although I saw devastation everywhere, I felt strangely calm.

The house was situated beyond a pile of rocks.  I had to clear the path in order to get to the house, so I began lifting the rocks, one at a time. As I lifted each rock, it became illuminated with what it represented in my life: my relationships, my marriages, my careers, my health, my beliefs, my judgements, …….everything I thought was "real.”  It felt as if it took forever to clear the path!

When I arrived at the house, I saw a saw-horse with a plank table in the front yard. Almost immediately, a UPS truck came up the road toward my house. This guy jumped out and handed me a long, cylinder-shaped package. He opened the package and handed me a set of blueprints. As he laid them out on the plank table, I asked him what this all about. He replied, “These are for you, Margaret. They are the blueprints to your house." 

I replied, "What do you mean?"

He explained, "This house is your life.  You get to design it anyway you want.  Think clearly of what you really want.  You see, Margaret, each room represents each area of your life."

I said, "I don't get it.  Why did the earthquake have to happen?  I only have a shell of a house to work with."

Calmly, he stated, "Everything has to fall apart completely in order to build anew.  You cannot build something new from an old structure or form."  He went on to explain further, "You have always owned the blueprints and the power to design them any way you wanted, though you didn’t realize that you did.  Remember to clear out the 'clutter' of your life (that which you don't want) in order to envision.........and then create that which you do want.  Think about how you want to design each room carefully...........and thoughtfully. This is your life!"

"Margaret, my love..........You are the Designer, the Creator, the Architect of your life!

Wow!  This dream became the catalyst for me beginning to re-design my life……in every way!


How do you want it all to feel?

I want my day to feel like sunflowers in Provence.

I want kissing to feel like the warm, powerful rush of the waterfall from a healing springs in Bali.

I want my body to feel like the passion expressed in the dance in Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud.

I want my next success to feel like the magic of serendipity.

I want my love to feel like the rush and freedom of jumping off the cliff and feeling my wings unfurl as I soar.

I want my integrity to feel like the beating of my heart, strong and never-ending.

I want my forgiveness to feel like the sweetness after a summer rain.

I want my love to feel like a magnolia tree, deeply rooted and strong against the wind, with branches outstretched to the sun…..with fragrant blossoms opening.

I want the end of my day to feel like the sun setting over the Mediterranean Sea in Italy.

I want my friendships to feel like being wrapped in my favorite afghan, sipping mint tea and basking in the joy of laughter.

I want my challenges to feel like reaching a breathtaking vista after hiking through the mountains in Idaho.

I want my ideas to feel like multiple orgasms when I’m making love to the Love of My Life.

I want my traveling to feel like discovering the hidden gate to a secret garden.

I want my teaching to feel like the candle flames lighting up at a rock concert.

I want my meditation to feel like soaking in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland under a December snowfall.

I want my mornings to feel like savoring an orange off a tree in Spain and walking amongst the scent of jasmine.

-Margaret Hansen, 2014


Margaret Hansen is a transformational speaker, certified life coach and writer. In addition, she is a trainer of Infinite Possibilities workshops and certified as a practitioner of The Emotion Code. She is also trained in telepathic skills development, to help people connect with their intuitive wisdom and guidance from the angelic realms.

Prior to her training in personal development and coaching, she taught high school and college for 33 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and a Master’s degree in Education. She is recognized as one of the top teachers in the Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. As an educator and life coach, she provides transformational experiences through coaching, workshops and retreats……….traveling to places that nourish the soul and awaken the spirit.  

Her extensive experience in personal development, intuitive training and coaching blend with her passion & sensitivity to the awakening process to serve as a powerful guide for deep transformation.

Core Desired Feelings: Joy | Intimately Connected | Inspired | Authentic