Authentic experiences for the inspired traveler
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Hey there, beautiful soul!

I’m Margaret. As a wayshower and guide, I will help you to….. connect with your innate power and wisdom, discover your passion and purpose, and remember who you truly are, so that you feel free to speak and live your truth.

You are created from the Infinite Intelligence of all life and therefore, can create anything your heart desires! As the Architect and Designer of your life, there are no limitations - only possibilities!

On this transformational journey together, I will show you how to release any obstacles and limiting beliefs that have prevented you from living the life of your dreams. And, you will discover that you are so much more than you ever realized!


Upcoming Events


Journeys Within

Do you feel as if there is so much more to your life than what you’re experiencing, but you have no idea what it is or how to get there? Does it feel as if life is happening to you rather than for you? Do you long to experience more joy, fulfillment and success in your life but have no idea how to achieve it?

Tuning Into Your Inner Guidance

Telepathy is a divine skill that we all possess.  However, most people don't know how to access it nor develop it.  By learning how to communicate telepathically, the wisdom and guidance you receive will help you evolve as a spiritual being. 

Gifts for you

I love giving gifts! Go ahead and click on the button below to receive your first gift. More lovely gifts are on their way to you soon!


Global Community

Connect with others who are on a spiritual journey of awakening. Exclusive access to resources that will enhance your learning and understanding of universal principles.


And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Anais Nin



Get away to a place that nourishes your soul and awakens your spirit!


Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.

Joseph Campbell



Receive personal mentoring and customized techniques to create the life you’ve always wanted to live!

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